The Wikimedia Foundation is the global nonprofit that makes knowledge free and accessible to everyone around the world. We do this by hosting Wikipedia and other Wikimedia projects. Every month: more than 55 million articles across 300 languages are provided for free and without ads; there are 1.7 billion unique devices visits; and more than 300,000 people add, edit, and update articles, ensuring they are neutral and are based in reliable sources. 

By contributing to Wikimedia projects, museums can present their collections to new audiences and contribute to the dissemination of culture and knowledge. Museum research can be cited on Wikipedia to improve the reliability of articles Images and other media can be used to illustrate Wikipedia articles in all languages 

Manuscripts and books can be transcribed as locally relevant sources. Collection information and authority fil s can be shared as Linked Open Data

There have been hundreds of collaborations, from a 50-hour edit-a-thon at the Soumaya Museum in Mexico, to the contribution of +83,000 images by the Bundesarchiv, the release of texts of Salvador Allende’s speeches, the digitisation and contribution of +21,000 oral history fil s from the Joaquín Díaz Foundation, and the Wikipedians-in-residence in many museums. Each museum has different needs and goals, and our communities spend time with partners identifying the projects and activities that will have the biggest impact for them.
