Jane Henderson

IIC Secretary General
Monday Plenary session and panelists[34]

Jane Henderson

IIC Secretary General
short bio

Jane Henderson (BSc, MSc, PACR, FIIC) is a Professor of Conservation and the Secretary General of the International Institute for Conservation. Jane serves on the editorial panel of the Journal of the Institute for Conservation, is a member on the trustee board of the Welsh Federation of Museum and Art Galleries and represents Wales on ICOM UK and is a member of the Higher Education Museums and Galleries Fund Review panel. Jane serves on the European standards body CEN TC 346 WG11 and is currently vice chair of the BSI standard group B/560 concerned with the conservation of Tangible Cultural heritage. Jane was delighted and honoured to win the Plowden medal in 2021.

She is the Secretary General of IIC and has used her position to create a more agile and inclusive organisation. She was foundational to the development of professional accreditation for the Institute of Conservation (Icon), UK. She is a passionate teacher who takes joy in the success of those she has taught. She advocates for the museum sector, especially the smaller museums and she is proud of being repeatedly asked to represent and defend museums. She has a track record of developing professional practice in the conservation profession by building from the ground up. She encourages the development, competence and confidence of those around her. She approaches problems by reflecting and examining the situation while exploring ways to deliver viable alternatives. She has a respect for others and pays attention to details, which helps her transform her own vision promoting cultural and behavioural shifts.